Selected business news articles
on global production |
This section provides web links to selected
business news articles, focusing on the
development, organisation and competitiveness of industrial operations in emerging economies. |
Taiwan growth stalls as exports falter |
Taiwan produces a major share of the
world's electronics products, and its exports are equivalent to
around 70 per cent of the country's overall economy. Factories
around the island make ships found in most popular consumer
electronics, many of which are themselves manufactured by other
Taiwanese groups. The country, however, has struggled with weak
consumer demand in the US and Europe and with rising competition
from Korean and Chinese producers. | | 31 October 2013 |
Bangladesh's clothing industry: Bursting at the seams |
After the Rana Plaza clothing factory
collapsed in April (2013), killing at least 1 100 people, the big
Western clothing companies that have their garments run up in
Bangladesh came under pressure to improve safety and working
conditions in the workshops they buy from. However, it has also
become clearer that clothing firms have little option but to
continue sending work to Bangladesh. It will remain Asia's primary
production base outside China for cheap clobber. |
The Economist | 26
October 2013 |
Mexico's maquiladoras: Big maq attack |
When Mexico set up the first
maquiladoras half a century ago, they were sweatshops that simply
bolted or stiched together imported parts, then exported the
assembled product north across the border to the United States. Now,
with competition growing from other low-cost locations, the
maquiladoras are having to step up their efforts to become
innovative. The next logical step is to get
involved in design and development. |
The Economist | 26
October 2013 |
Carmakers flock to new southeast Asian growth frontier |
The Asean nations such as Indonesia,
Malaysia and Thailand form one of the regional "clusters" that,
according to a leading consultant, should be on the growth list of
every carmaker and supplier. For players in Europe, the US, and
Japan, geographic diversification has never mattered more than it
does today in order to balance local economic storms. So far,
Japanese companies have led the way, rolling out low-cost models
in countries with increasing average incomes, rising aspirations and
low car ownership levels. | | 6 October 2013 |
India takes lessons from China to lure workers to garment industry |
India is the the world's third largest
textile and garment exporter, after China and the EU. Despite the
country's vast, young labour force, India's garment industry has
struggled to realise its potential, burdened by crippling power
shortages, poor infrastructure, high worker turnover and
fragmentation. Recruiting workers remain a big challenge. Since
housing in big cities where larger factories are located is
expensive, the provision of workers' dorms is considered an
opportunity. India's government is also planning integrated textile
parks with designated space for worker housing. | | 25 July 2013 |
Russian automotive: Kaluga creates cluster template |
Kaluga, a city southwest of Moscow, is
today a thriving centre of automotive production, comprising
companies such as Volkswagen, Volvo Trucks, Peugeot-Citroen and
Mitsubishi. According to company representatives, the city benefits
from a business-oriented administration. Also, when a cluster of
producers is created in a single region, there are useful synergies:
"You get a critical mass of skilled workers and the associated
benefits of training and supply-chain infrastructure. You attract a
skill base." | | 26 June 2013 |
How Mexico got back in the game |
Better integration of Mexico's
manufacturing and innovation prowess into America's is a win-win. It
makes U.S. companies more profitable and competitive, and it gives
Mexicans a reason to stay home. Mexico has signed 44 free trade
agreements, which is more than twice as many as China and four times
more than Brazil. Mexico has also increased the number of engineers
and skilled laborers graduating. Put that together with rising wage
and transportation costs in China, and it is no surprise that Mexico
now is taking manufacturing market share back from Asia. |
The New York Times | 23
February 2013 |
Chinese labour pool begins to drain |
China's working-age population shrank in
2012, marking the beginning of a trend that will accelerate over the
next two decades and have profound implications for the world's
second-largest economy. Many analysts fear that China's aging
workforce, further distorted by the country's one-child policy
introduced in the late 1970s, could become a big drag on future
growth. According to a Credit Suisse economist, "wage increases,
more automation and production of better-quality products are all likely
to become stronger structural trends in China". | | 18 January 2013 |
Modern supply chains make it easier for economies to industrialise |
Today's emerging economies face a
different sort of globalisation than their predecessors 50 or 100
years ago. According to Richard Baldwin of the Graduate Institute in
Geneva, most advanced economies industrialised as part of
globalisation's first great unbundling – the geographical separation
of producers and consumers. In the 1980s, a new model began to
emerge – the second unbundling, breaking up production entirely
across long, multinational supply chains. That made
industrialisation a cakewalk with a business-friendly government and
cheap workers often being sufficient to get started. |
The Economist | 4 August
2012 |
Mexico most popular for US "reshoring" |
Mexico remains a far more popular
destination than the US for "reshoring" manufacturing to supply
North American demand, according to research by a business advisory
firm. Nearly half the manufacturers surveyed said they saw reshoring
as a good opportunity, but half also said Mexico was their top
choice for relocating factories designed to supply the US market. "Mexico
still remains the near-shore locale of choice for companies looking
to overcome the higher costs of doing business today in places like
China. | | 3 June 2012 |
Vietnam offers companies China alternative |
With China’s experienced workforce,
well-developed supply chain and vast scale, few people believe its
position as the world’s workshop is under threat. But spiralling
wage costs in China have driven a growing number of labour-intensive
manufacturers to switch to countries with lower wages, such as
Bangladesh, Indonesia and Vietnam. And while Vietnam’s
infrastructure cannot compare with its much wealthier northern
neighbour, factory managers say that they can cope with both the
occasional power cuts and delays at Vietnam’s under-developed ports | | 14 March 2012 |
What do soaring Chinese wages mean for global manufacturing? |
China is the world's largest
manufacturing power, accounting for a fifth of global manufacturing.
But the era of cheap China may be drawing to a close. Costs are
soaring, starting in the costal provinces where factories have
historically clustered. Increases in land prices, environmental and
safety regulations and taxes all play a part. The biggest factor,
though, is labour. But, coastal China has enduring strengths despite
soaring costs – it is close to the booming Chinese domestic market,
Chinese productivity is rising fast, and China's supply chain is
sophisticated and supple. |
The Economist | 10 March
2012 |
Leap of faith for South Africa's carmakers |
A USD 500m investment programme in South
Africa will enable Ford to ship vehicles to Europe for the first
time. For South Africa, where manufacturing is often dogged by
complaints about a poorly skilled workforce and rigid labour laws,
the investment reflects a vote of confidence. The expansion,
bolstered by South Africa's free trade agreement with Europe, will
increase Ford's local vehicle production capacity to 110 000 a year,
while engine production will rise to 120 000. | | 6 July 2011 |
China: Focus on deals high up value chain |
Chinese companies are preparing for a
wave of investments in Europe in engineering and technology as part
of an effort to find new markets and gain greater control of supply
chains. This comes amid exhortions from Beijing encouraging Chines
companies to "go global" and put down roots overseas rather than
rely on exports. The Chinese groups are targeting businesses with
expertise in machinery, materials and specialised components, fields
where many European businesses occupy strong positions. | | 25 April 2011 |
China's influence on car design accelerates |
At the upcoming Shanghai car show,
General Motors and PSA Peugeot Citroen will launch global models for
the first time in China, a symbol of how the car industry's center
of gravity continues to shift to the mainland, the largest car
market. Chinese tastes are increasingly influencing the design of
cars driven not just in China, but around the world. This is in line
with the governments objective of transforming China from the
world's sweatshop to its design studio, with its increasing focus on
encouraging innovation rather than mere copying of Western products. | | 18 April 2011 |